Op-Ed: “Only in California”

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LOS ANGELES, CA – Every year in Sacramento legislators submit hundreds to thousands of bills for consideration. One such bill currently submitted is AB315. In California our legislators could spend their time addressing any number of so many clearly evident problems – homelessness, crime and public safety, wildfires, energy issues, skyrocketing costs of living, etc. – […]

New Study Finds “Natural Immunity” from Previous COVID Cases Provides Comparable Protection to Vaccines

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NEW YORK CITY – “Natural immunity” granted by previous COVID-19 cases can provide protection that is comparable to Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech’s mRNA vaccines, according to a new study that was released last week.  The study, entitled “Past SARS-CoV-2 infection protection against re-infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” was conducted by a group of researchers that make […]