Letters: I have Trump Derangement Syndrome and here is the cause

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Call me deranged, but …

Ah, thank you GOP for getting down to serious legislation by putting forth your recent bill about Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

As one who is afflicted with the syndrome, I’ll accept your definition, and here is the cause…

Watching people you know and love fall continually for a chronic liar, huckster, cheater, and grievance filled narcissist in the name of God and country … it really tests one’s mental acuity. Call me deranged but when a politician displays cruelty, callousness, revenge and arrogance, I really have a hard time acting “normal.”

I personally would tweak the definition of TDS to be “the acute onset of zealotry and adherence (of otherwise normal people) to the grievances and whims of Donald J. Trump. This creates an inability to distinguish between one’s own moral principles and those of a President whose petty impulses must be interpreted as serious policies to his ever subservient followers”

Jeff Zupfer, St. Paul


No shortage after all?

I read the Minnesota Republicans in our state legislative body want to add TDS to definitions of types of mental illness. I thought we had a shortage of mental health caregivers, but apparently Republicans are physicians as well. Run for the hills folks, they drank the Kool-Aid.

Martha Ruff, St. Paul


Give Trump a chance

As I read the Letters to the Editor from Sunday’s paper, I was surprised at how much hate there is in our community. Maybe the PP only published the negative letters to the editor, or maybe only “haters” sent in letters. I guess I can understand folks are upset with Donald Trump, Elon Musk and most all of government, but calm down. Give Trump the same time you gave Joe Biden, then let’s see where you’re at.

What I can’t understand though, is how tough everyone wants to be on teaching Russia a lesson. Rather than giving the Trump Administration a chance to find an acceptable resolution, people seem to accept a forceful resolution to Russia’s migration of parts of Ukraine, claiming Russia will not stop at Ukraine. That brings the question, whose children are you willing to risk life and limb to show Putin how to act? How many American lives are you willing to give?

I don’t want my grandkids over there fighting. And do you really think Putin will accept multiple nations sending their kids to fight? Do you believe, that if Putin is as terrible as you describe, and thousands of Russian soldiers are killed, will Ukraine be safe from a nuclear attack? Will he go even further? Give me a number of acceptable deaths you will be comfortable with that will be needed to teach Putin that lesson. Maybe you want to ruin Russia’s economy, will that make the Ukrainians safer?

Give Trump a chance.

Instead, focus on our homeland and pretend America is Ukraine, and other continents invaded our territory with 14 million migrants.

Mike Miller, St. Paul



This administration has gutted its DOJ so badly that it can no longer effectively press nor defend against the hundreds of lawsuits flying back and forth. Listen to this beauty of an exchange: Judge Theodore Chuang (District of Maryland): “Why do we get a declaration, but there’s really no documentation of anything there?”  Gardner (DOJ attorney): “We have about half the number of staff we had in November …”  Chuang: “You’re saying that the Justice Department isn’t taking this case seriously?”  Gardner: “It’s the opposite. I haven’t had a day off since January 20. We’re working day and night.”

Regina Purins, St. Paul

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