St. Paul City Council to revisit Highland Bridge variance requests for four single-story buildings

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A week after deadlocking around requested zoning variances to build four single-story buildings at Highland Bridge, the St. Paul City Council has chosen to revisit the issue at their next meeting.

Council President Rebecca Noecker said after conferring with the city attorney’s office, she gained new insight into the impact of the council’s 3-3 vote.

The Ryan Cos. had appealed a negative decision of the city’s Board of Zoning Appeals, which called the proposed buildings too short under existing zoning and voted in January to deny the company’s variance requests related to building height and floor-area ratios.

Following a public hearing and council discussion, Council Member Saura Jost made the motion to grant the company’s appeal on Feb. 19, but her motion failed on a 3-3 tie vote.

In a brief interview Wednesday, Noecker noted, however, that no one on the council followed that vote with a motion to officially deny the appeal. In other words, unless the council takes further action, the appeal would be granted on March 17 by default, and the Ryan Cos. would be allowed to proceed with the four buildings.

At Noecker’s request, the council voted 6-0 on Wednesday to reconsider the issue and reopen the vote, which will be revisited March 5.

The seven-member council currently has six voting members, given that Ward 4 member Mitra Jalali is no longer participating in voting matters and will leave city employment on March 8.

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