Detours planned along South Snelling Avenue in St. Paul between Sept. 9-19

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A road resurfacing and redesign project along South Snelling Avenue in St. Paul is entering its final throes this month, but there are some detours ahead yet — including a complete road closure along its southbound lanes next week.

Snelling, which is also Minnesota 51, has been reduced to a single lane in each direction between Grand and St. Clair avenues for repairs and resurfacing this week. Work began Tuesday morning and runs to next Monday, when southbound Snelling will close entirely between Grand and St. Clair until the evening of Sept. 19. At that time, northbound Snelling Avenue will be reduced to a single lane through the end of roadwork on Sept. 22, weather permitting.

In addition to resurfacing, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is adding bump-outs and Americans with Disability Act-compliant crossings at all intersections between Grand and St. Clair. The signal system at Snelling and St. Clair will be replaced early next year.

In addition, MnDOT is redesigning a half-mile section of Snelling from four lanes to two lanes between Ford Parkway and Montreal Avenue. The project includes installing a center median and left turn lanes, constructing a multi-use trail along the east side of Snelling and replacing the signal at Montreal and Snelling. Construction is anticipated to be complete this month.

Some 34 trees were removed between Grand and St. Clair last January. The work area will be reseeded this year and replacement trees will be planted next year. For more information, visit the MnDOT project web page at

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