We featured one parrot, nine dogs and 10 cats in our weekday newsletter in August.
“Thanks for bringing joy with your pet photos you publish!” wrote one reader.
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Want to see more cute pet photos? Here’s a slideshow from July.
Friday, Aug. 30
“Gus was not a happy kitty when he moved in with me but we worked it out,” Steve writes.
Wednesday, Aug. 28
“It’s been a while since I’ve sent in a photo of my grandpuppy, Cali, so here are a couple,” writes Linda of Rochester.
“Here she is on a hike in the mountains by Les Diablerets, Switzerland. My daughter said she was tempted to sing ‘She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain’ when she took the photo.
Cali in Switzerland.
“The second photo is an example of an after-hike nap. Looks pretty cozy to me!”
Tuesday, Aug. 27
Pepper and Charlie
Meet Pepper and Charlie.
(Pepper is the Siamese and Charlie is the orange tabby.)
“They were both fosters through Ruff Start Rescue and I’m a foster fail,” writes Kelly of Mendota Heights. “Pepper loves playing with his toy mice and following Mom around the house. Charlie loves to look out the window and watch for birds. Curious Charlie!”
Monday, Aug. 26
Geri sent us another photo of Sookie, her rescued granddog.
“This is an annual fundraiser for a Seattle shelter,” writes Geri of Sookie’s 5K.
How’d it go?
“It went fine,” Geri replied. “Sookie completed the 5K and was motivated for the treat after the completion.
Friday, Aug. 23
“Hi, I’m Herbie the Cat and I found my forever home with Patty on Albemarle Street in my hometown of St. Paul,” writes Herbie (with Uncle Richard’s help). “I was homeless but not anymore! I hope that I can be a star in your newspaper! Love, Herbie.”
Thursday, Aug. 22
The cats of Twin City Cat Fanciers, Inc., at the Minnesota State Fair.
“These are some of the cats that will be at our State Fair booth in the Pet Pavilion starting Thursday: American Curl, Oriental Shorthair, Bengal, Maine Coon, American Shorthair, Egyptian Mau, Birman, Havana Brown and even household pets who are also included prominently at cat shows, ” Jill writes. “One or two breeds will be featured each day. Watch our Facebook page (Twin City Cat Fanciers, Inc.) for the breeds that will be there each day. People can talk to their owners, get information on the breeds, cat care and cat shows, like our show coming up Sept. 28-29 at RiverCentre in downtown St. Paul.”
Wednesday, Aug. 21
Layla and Ozzy
“Layla, our half-Boxer, and Ozzy, our son’s Brindle Boxer, love to dance and play when they are together,” Sandy writes.
Tuesday, Aug. 20
Henry Cabot Henhouse III
“This is Henry Cabot Henhouse III, named after the 1960s cartoon, ‘Super Chicken,’” Julie writes. “He goes by Cabot. Cabot is a cockatiel and is 19 years old. Along with his seed and pellets he enjoys vegetable treats such as cucumber, peppers, peas and corn.
“Larger birds can live 75+ years and many can be very loud, so do your research before committing. Don’t think of parakeets, cockatiels and smaller birds as ‘starter birds.’ As you can see by his age, Cabot has put up with me for 19 years. He requires attention such as wanting neck scritches, especially when he is molting.
“There is an expression that says dog and cat people agree on one thing: Bird people are weird. I prefer the quote attributed to Mark Twain: ‘She was not quite what you would call refined. She was not quite what you would call unrefined. She was the kind of person that keeps a parrot.’”
Monday, Aug. 19 (Memorial)
“My dog, Nikki, loved water and playing Frisbee,” Pam writes. “She was a rescue and the best dog. Her spots on her back looked like an outline of Mickey Mouse. We lost her to cancer in 2019 and miss her terribly.”
Friday, Aug. 16
Maple May at Birch Lake Animal Hospital.
“We have a new grand dog called Maple May!” Laurie writes. “She is a chocolate Lab and just adorable. We thought this photo from the vet (Birch Lake Animal Hospital) was so funny! She is a great sleeper and trying to be a good friend to her brother Prince the cat. I have always thought that if Labs stayed puppy size it would be so awesome.
Maple May and Prince.
“Thanks for bringing joy with your pet photos you publish!”
Thursday, Aug. 15
Else and Bailey
“Else is a Golden Retriever who just turned seven years old and has recovered from a near fatal leg accident a year and a half ago, ” writes Michael of Minneapolis. “Bailey, who is four years old, is her brother who keeps her on her toes with her playful antics. He is known for chasing cars along the fences at the dog park. Legend has it that he can run 40 mph. They have been great companions to me and my wife. I never had dogs before them and they mean the world to me!”
Wednesday, Aug. 14
“This is my newest grand dog,” Sue writes. “Her name is Sadie, she was a rescue from Coco’s Heart. She was surrendered after having been used to produce puppies. She came to my daughter scared but she has made great progress. We are happy to welcome her to our family.”
Tuesday, Aug. 13
“Our son-in-law, Todd, had left his backpack open overnight,” Georganne wrote in July. “Finn decided he would take this chance to see if it would be a ‘Take Your Cat to Work Day.’ Cute ploy, but it didn’t work. Maybe another day, Finn.”
Monday, Aug. 12 (Memorial)
“A photo of our granddog, Molly, was published in Daily Doggo on May 14, 2021,” Rita writes.
Here is that photo again, with Molly and her toy friend, Steve, sunning themselves in Roseville:
Now, three years later, Rita has a sad update:
Molly and Jeff
“This photo was taken just a few weeks ago, picturing a Molly who had gotten old and weary. She was suffering from frequent seizures, loss of appetite, confusion and a poor quality of life in general. Her family made the difficult decision to send her over the Rainbow Bridge on July 15. Their home just isn’t the same without her. Notice that her friend Jeff was with her to the end!”
We are so sorry for your loss, Rita and family.
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