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Two Gophers recruits back out of men’s basketball program
The Gophers men’s basketball program signed three high school players to join the program before next season. But with a head coaching change from Ben Johnson to Niko Medved completed this week, two... READ MORE
Your Money: The 60-year career: How to plan for a longer work life
Bruce Helmer and Peg Webb For decades, the traditional career path was clear: Work for about 40 years, retire and enjoy a well-earned break in your later years. However, with increasing life expectancy,... READ MORE
Working Strategies: Navigating part-time jobs at a professional level
Amy Lindgren In last week’s column I described strategies for finding part-time work, which is a little different than searching for a full-time position. The main thing to know when seeking part-time jobs... READ MORE
10 apps that will help you save money on food
By Courtney Frazer, Bankrate.com High food prices have American families feeling the pinch — grocery trips cost around 20% more than they did four years ago. Not only are outright costs higher, but... READ MORE